The last thing we had to conquer in Photoshop was creating an animation. I was instructed to create a 30 second animation at 10fps using rotoscoping techniques. As an avid baseball card collector I thought, what would be cooler than an animated baseball card? Well, I didn't know what I was in for because this project had me working almost all day everyday for a week and a half to complete.
Once I got done rotoscoping the animated card images, my deadline was just a few days away and I wasn't sure how I was going to have time to go through 400+ photoshop layers and manually mask my hand and add the images in. Enter After Effects. With limited After Effects experience taught myself how to use the motion tracking and rotoscoping features to get the effect I wanted. While the learning curve probably didn't save me much time, I'm glad I was able to figure it out. Because of my inexperience with After Effects I still had around 100 layers to manually adjust in Photoshop, but I was able to add yet another skill to my toolkit with this project.
For submission I was to turn in a GIF and a video with a soundtrack. The video was soundtracked with Apple Loops in Garageband and can be seen below.
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